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What is Crime

$ 4.98

What is Crime: Assessing the Durkheimian Approach to the Normalcy of Human Criminality

In “What is Crime: Assessing the Durkheimian Approach to the Normalcy of Human Criminality,” readers embark on an intellectual journey through the complex landscape of criminology. The book critically examines historical and contemporary perspectives on crime, challenging traditional views that see it as an intrinsic evil or a byproduct of environmental factors.

Why Do People Commit Crimes

$ 4.99

Why Do People Commit Crimes: Assessing Three Major Crime Theories

This book examines three dominant crime theories (Biological theory of crime, Neighborhoods and crime, and Moral panic). The biological theory of crime posits that criminals are born, not made. The concept of neighborhoods and crime theory claims that where one lives determines likelihood of criminality.