Showing 1–9 of 34 results

Citizen Obedience

$ 18.99

What is legal obligation? This question has been the subject of debate for centuries. This book is part of a collection of short essays about citizen obedience.

Cogito, Ergo Philosophus

$ 35.00

There is a link between human thinking and human survival. To explain that correlation as persuasively as possible, I proclaim Cogito, Ergo Philosophus, which means, I think, therefore I philosophize.

Discours sur la liberté humaine

$ 19.99

Ce livre examine le concept de la liberté humaine. Il discute le terme liberté dans son sens le plus rudimentaire. L’accent est mis sur la réalité à laquelle les êtres humains sont confrontés dans un domaine artificiel. Le livre esquisse la tragédie de la survie. Obtenez une copie aujourd’hui !

Discourse on Human Freedom

$ 14.99

This book examines the concept of freedom. It discusses the term in its most rudimentary sense. The focus is on the reality human beings face in a contrived domain. The book sketches out the tragedy of survival. Get a copy today!

Être Noir: Quel Malheur !

$ 19.99

Ce livre a été conçu depuis bien des années. C’est un extrait de mon journal intime. Pour une raison quelconque, je ne voulais pas me déshabiller en public. Je n’entendais pas publier ces lignes.


Forced out of Vietnam

$ 25.97

This book examines the understanding that the United States was forced out of Vietnam. The text examines two major events. The first event entails Congress’ apparent refusal to approve a request for emergency military aid to South Vietnam.

Go Back Where You Came From

$ 4.99

America is going through a troublesome time. There is an ongoing debate about immigration. Since Mr. Donald Trump took office in 2017, anti-immigration sentiments are raw and passionate. Most Americans believe the county needs stringent immigration policies. In response, the Trump administration implemented the most Draconian measures. The effects of those policies were devastating, especially for immigrant families. In 2019, four Congresswomen (also known as “The Squad”) took a stance against what they perceived as egregious conducts by the American government officials at the US-Mexico border.

God and Existentialism

$ 17.95

God and Existentialism
Existentialist philosophy claims that men are free. Otherwise, they enjoy an unparalleled state of liberty in the world. However, the reality men face their world can be artlessly depressing. In a man’s world, every indication suggests that men are not free. God often becomes a source of strength for men.


How to Fix Cyberbullying

$ 9.99

How to Fix Cyberbullying: Assessing the Crisis of School Interventions

Cyberbullying cases are increasing. The phenomenon is pervasive in school districts across the United States. The understanding is that school professionals are without recourse to address online incidents. While the text is not exhaustive, it discusses the predicaments school officials often face when they intervene in cyberbullying incidents.